Navigating the Grade Levels
The Math4Texas website is designed for parents to easily find straightforward explanations and examples of the revised math concepts their students are currently learning.
Each grade level is designed in a similar layout. Each grade level starts with an introduction to the big ideas or concepts students at the grade level should master by the end of the school year. Then, grade-level concepts are grouped into math-related topics. These topics may include number operations, number relationships, measurement, geometry, data & graphing, problem-solving, and strategies. Each of these topics has subtopics that have a common theme. For example, the topic of fractions for a grade level may include the subtopics of adding fractions, subtracting fractions, and equivalent fractions.
Some subtopics may be viewed in more than one topic as the subtopics overlap into several topics. Adding fractions with like denominators may be viewed in Fractions as well as Number Operations. This is done so that the information can be easily found depending on how the topics are searched.
T.I.P.S. stands for TEKS in Parent or Plain Speaking. Example has an example of that student's expectation or topic with hints to solve and possible solutions. Digital Tools are external links that have activities or games related to that student's expectation or topic. Resources are external research or articles about the topic.
If there are words underlined, these are hyperlinks to explanations or to external websites. External websites may require Abode Flash Player.