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Classifying Two-Dimensional Figures Based on Attributes & Properties



Students must be able to classify two-dimensional figures in sets and subsets that go from general attributes to specific attributes.


Beck’s math assignment sounded simple, but he is a little confused. He is supposed to create a graphic organizer to show how quadrilaterals are a part of the same family. Someone suggested that he might be able to do it using a Venn diagram. Make one that would help Beck better understand the ways that various quadrilaterals are related.  


Possible Solution

Digital Tools

Click on the following links for interactive games. Sides of a Polygon  


Click on the following links for more information.


Readiness Standard 5.5 Geometry and measurement. The student applies mathematical process standards to classify two- dimensional figures by attributes and properties. The student is expected to:  (A) classify two- dimensional figures in a hierarchy of sets and subsets using graphic organizers based on their attributes and properties


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