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Multiplying a Two-digit Number by a Two-digit Number



Students must be able to represent the product of 2 two-digit numbers in a variety of ways including arrays, area models, and equations. This includes perfect squares of 11 by 11, 12 by 12, 13 by 13, 14 by 14, and 15 by 15.


Represent the products of the numbers below using either arrays, or area models. Also, write each of them as an equation. a) 12 x 16

b) 13 x 13 


Possible Solution 

Area Model with Multiplication

Digital Tools

Click on the following links for interactive games.  

The Great Penguin Canoe Race 

Monster Board Game 

Multiplying Two Two-Digit Numbers 

Batter's Up Baseball



Click on the following links for more information. Multi-digit Multiplication with The Donut Doze Off


Supporting Standard 4.4 Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to develop and use strategies and methods for whole number computations and decimal sums and differences in order to solve problems with efficiency and accuracy.
(C) represent the product of 2 two-digit numbers using arrays, area models, or equations, including perfect squares through 15 by 15



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