Determining Odd & Even Using Objects
Students could use their prior knowledge of skip counting by 2s to able to determine whether a number is odd or even using concrete objects organized in pairs. Students may also use their addition and subtraction fact strategies such as the relationship between doubles facts and even numbers, inverse doubles, doubles plus or minus 1, and inverse doubles plus or minus 1 to help determine if a number is odd or even.
Read the following questions. a) Is 18 an odd or even number? Explain your thinking.
b) Is the sum of 17 + 18 an odd or even number? Explain your thinking.
c) There are 18 children in line and three children walk away. Is there an odd or even number of children left in line? Explain your thinking.
Possible Solutions
Digital Tools
Click on the following links for interactive games.
Odd or Even?
Even and Odd
Monkey Drive Odd or Even
Identifying Numbers as Odd or Even
Selecting Odd or Even Numbers
Even or Odd Numbers Using a Number Line
Even or Odd
Even and Odd Number Rules
Number Ninja