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Finding the Part the Whole & the Percent


To solve these types of problem situations, students will need to keep in mind the pieces they are given, whether it is the whole, part or percent. This will help them to create models to calculate an answer. The proportional relationship between the parts will indeed help them to find the solution.


The pie graph shown below depicts the results of a poll given to 200 sixth graders at Smith Middle School.  Of the students asked, how many chose comedy or horror as their favorite movie type?

Possible Solution


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Readiness Standard 6.5 Proportionality. The student applies mathematical process standards to solve problems involving proportional relationships. The student is expected to:  (B) solve real-world problems to find the whole given a part and the percent, to find the part given the whole and the percent, and to find the percent given the part and the whole, including the use of concrete and pictorial models


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