History and Purpose of Math4Texas
Math4Texas was developed under the Math Initiative which was instituted through the collaborative efforts of the Education Service Center (ESC) Region 11 board and superintendents to help parents and teachers understand the content and conceptual changes of the revised Math Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills (TEKS) and their impact on students’ everyday learning and thinking.
The Math Initiative was initiated to assist parents, students, and teachers not only in ESC Region 11 but in all regions across the state of Texas to be successful in understanding the depth of knowledge that the revised Math TEKS encompass and to be confident in their everyday teaching with these new shifts of thinking.
Math4Texas showcases the Math TEKS by grade level with tips, examples, digital tools, and videos to help parents understand the math concepts and skills that their children are learning.
We hope you find the support Math4Texas provides parents as effective in impacting students' learning.